Thursday, 16 May 2019

Day 8: Digital Fluency Intensive

Today we touched on the Empowered part of Manaiakalani.  Dorothy led us through this Deep Dive where she explained that it is there for teachers and colleagues, as well as the students.  She talked about how Manaiakalani works to empower whanau and their children.  What really stood out to me was the discussion of 5+ a day which is about carrying on conversations with students which leads to better oral language.  This is something that I am working on daily with my kids in the classroom.  It was a great reminder to keep pressing on with that because it gives students opportunity to converse and improve their oral language.

In preparation for the Google Level 1 Exam, we also touched on Google Classroom.  I sat and wrote the exam... and passed!  It was quite an intense 3 hours and I was trying not to overthink the questions - which helped me in the end.  Dorothy's suggestion of using the "review later" button was also super helpful.  It was interesting to see how I coped under pressure to complete the tasks and it made me realise how much I have learned from attending the Digitial Fluency Intensive.  I am looking forward to making a certificate/badge for this blog and will also be thinking about eventually taking certification for Level 2.

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