It has been an informative two days attending the Manaiakalani Orientation for the
2019 school year with speakers Dorothy Burt and Fiona Grant. With the first day about
getting to know Manaiakalani (the hook from heaven), the emphasis was on the fact
that Manaiakalani is about the people or “he tangata” that are in it. I also discovered
more about the Learn Create Share model and the idea of “turbocharging” learning is
also a large part of this model, which allows us to do things with technology that we
could never do before! What I loved about the “Create” element is that Manaiakalani
seeks to involve the whole body in this process. For example, using the hands, the
feet, the heart, etc. with the brain being at the centre of it all.
There are Five Affordances of “Learn Create Share” Model:
- Engagement
- Teacher Conversations
- Cognitive Challenge
- Visibility
- Scaffolding
- Engagement
- Teacher Conversations
- Cognitive Challenge
- Visibility
- Scaffolding
The idea of “Visibility” or “Visible Teaching Empowering Visible Learning” was
a highlight of the session for me. A great deal of emphasis was on the importance
of students being able to take charge of their learning and feel empowered. Using
visible teaching through Google class sites (that are meaningful to them!) promotes
this as students can not only direct their learning online, but can also move forward
and become prepared for what is coming next. It was expressed that when students
can look forward and be better prepared for classroom learning, this in fact works to
save educators time so that conversations with more purpose and meaning can take
place during classroom sessions. The importance of whanau being able to view their
child’s learning was a crucial point as well, through use of Google sites to show parents
what is happening on their child’s learning journey.
Having become a part of the Manaiakalani whanau, my next goals are to engage in
more Toolkits and complete the Digital Fluency Intensive to improve my own skills and
become more digitally-aware and able!